What Is Pkpass File Extension? How to Open Pkpass File?

August 1, 2021

Pkpass file extension, most of the time, has been received on our computer or laptop by emails. A pkpass file is actually a file that is in a compressed format. It can store a number of different file formats. For example, a pkpass file can store an icon and an image file in it. As a result, you will only see a single file.

There are so many ways to open the files on your computer or on any other device you use. The best thing about this file format is that pkpass file format can be opened on almost all the devices including iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac.

In this article, we are going to explain what a pkpass file extension is? and how can you open this pkpass file format on various devices? Let’s get started. Stay tuned till the end.  

What is a pkpass file extension? 

A pkpass file is a file used by Passbook, it is an iPhone app which is normally used for saving boarding passes, coupons, loyalty cards, movie tickets, and other passes. It may also contain various passes provided by a vendor (e.g., Starbucks, Delta Air Lines, etc.). It also contains various custom user-generated passes. A pkpass file is a file that can be used to track confirmation codes, logins, balances, and other information.

So now as we know what a pkpass file extension is? Let’s proceed further to know about the various ways you can use to open such files in your device. 

How to open pkpass file extensions on different devices?

Here are some ways that you can use to open this file extension on different devices. Some of them are listed below:

Open pkpass file extension on an IOS device

The app which can help you to view the pkpass file extensions is already built right into the OS of your iPhone, IPad or any other IOS device you use. The app is called Passbook on your iOS device and by using this app you can view the file on your device.

The steps to open the file extensions are as follows – 

pkpass file extension

Step 1: Open that email where you have received the pkpass file. 

Step 2: Tap on that file and it will be automatically launched in the Passbook app of your device. 

Step 3: To view it anytime you can add that pkpass file to your Passbook app and after that, you can access it quickly whenever you want.

How to Open pkpass files on an Android device 

If you have an android device and you want to open the pkpass file from your device then you can also do that very easily by downloading this super cool app called “PassWallet” from the Google Play Store.

The steps for downloading and opening the file on your android device are as follows –

pkpass file extension

Step 1: Download the PassWallet app from the Google Play Store. 

Step 2: Install the PassWallet app on your device.

Step 3: Tap on that file and it will be automatically launched in the Passbook app of your device. 

Step 4: To view it anytime you can add that file to your Passbook app and after that, you can access it quickly whenever you want. 

How to Open pkpass files on a Windows Device 

If you want to access a pkpass file extension then you can follow these two methods to do so – 

pkpass file extensions

Step 1: Rename the pkpass file you have received in your email. 

Step 2: Rename the file to a .zip file. 

Step 3: Then, extract the .zip file on your device. 

Step 4: After that, you’ll be able to see the file on your Windows device easily. 

If you don’t want to follow the above-mentioned method then you can also download the Microsoft Wallet app on your device and after that, you can easily access the file on your Windows device. 

How to Open pkpass files on a Mac Device

If you want to access any pkpass file from your Mac device then you have to use an iPhone emulator to do so. The iPhone emulator is built into Xcode for Mac so you need to download and install Xcode on your Mac. After that, you would be able to access the files on your Mac device.

If you are experiencing any trouble accessing the pkpass files in your Passbook app on your iOS device, then you can try to restore the device to access an iTunes backup. If you are unable to do that and have forgotten the password for the backup file. In that case, you can use 4uKey – iTunes Backup to recover the password of your iTunes backup within 3 easy steps.

Download 4uKey – iTunes Backup: Windows/Mac


We have listed various ways you can use to open the pkpass files on any device. If you still face any issue after following all the steps mentioned above then let us know in the comment section. We would love to answer your queries.

Thanks for reading! 


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{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}