Michael Kors Survey – www.michaelkors.com/survey – Get $250 Gift Card

January 18, 2021


The Michael Kors Customer Survey gathers information regarding customer opinions after shopping. Handlers want a candid evaluation of their performance from the point of view of their guests.

Users can win a different prize at the completion of the Michael Kors Customer Satisfaction Survey and win a $250 Gift Card at Michael Kors on their next visit by redeeming that prize.

Michael Kors Survey is an official survey organized by Michael Kors to get their customer feedback about their recent visit.

Participate in this Michael Kors Customer Feedback Survey and give your genuine feedback. After you complete the survey you will get an entry in Michael Kors Sweepstakes to Win $250 Michael Kors Gift Cards.

Now, how can I win this prize? Don’t worry, here I have provided the complete guide to easily perform this Michael Kors Customer Feedback Survey with its rules and step by step process.

So, read this article from top to bottom and follow the steps to complete the Michael Kors Feedback Survey and get an entry in Michael Kors Sweepstakes to win the prize.

Michael Kors Rewards

After you complete the Michael Kors Customer Satisfaction Survey you will get below mention rewards

 Get a Free Entry in Michael Kors Sweepstakes 

 Win $250 Michael Kors Gift Cards 

MichaelKors Survey Rules & Requirements

Check out the below mention Michael Kors Customer Satisfaction Survey rules and requirements. You must satisfy them before you participate in the survey.

  • A Michael Kors purchase receipt is required.
  • A device like a computer, laptop, a smartphone is required with internet access.
  • The survey is only available for 50 United States residents.
  • Participants’ age must be 18 years or older at the time of taking the survey.
  • Employees, Agents, Staff members, Directors, and their relatives are not eligible to participate.
  • Purchase or payment is necessary to enter or win the prize.
  • The prize is not transferable or can’t be converted into cash.

Michaelkors.com Survey | Step by Step Guide

Follow the below mention steps to complete the Michael Kors Survey and get a successful entry in the sweepstakes to win the prize.

  • First, visit the official Survey website by click here: www.michaelkors.com/survey.
  • Insert the receipt code in the given space.
  • And, mention your purpose of visit at Michael Kors Store.
  • Next, confirm your age is 18+ or not.
  • Click ‘SUBMIT’ to begin the survey.
  • Now, complete the survey with your genuine feedback about your last visit.
  • After you complete the survey you will get an entry in the sweepstakes.
Michael Kors Customer Feedback Survey
Michael Kors Customer Feedback Survey
  • Enter your personal information carefully and submit it.
  • Now, wait for the winner’s announcement by the Sweepstakes Administrator.

About Michael Kors

Michael Kors founded by and named after Michael Kors, a world-renowned and award-winning American designer who is good at luxury accessories and ready-to-wear design, Michael Kors is a fashion company that started its history in 1981.

Since the brand opened its first retail stores in 2006, Michael Kors has been able to convey its products of bags, shoes, watches, accessories, etc. to more people around the world.

Contact Us

  • Email to Customer Services at customerservice@michaelkors.com
  • Michael Kors Customer Service Number: (866) 709-5677

Reference Links

  1. Michael Kors Customer Satisfaction Survey Link: www.michaelkors.com/survey
  2. Michael Kors Official Site: www.michaelkors.com

This article helps you to know about the Michael Kors Survey. Complete the Michael Kors  Guest Satisfaction Survey using this article which includes rules and requirements and step by step guide to easily get an entry in Michael Kors Sweepstakes and Win $250 Gift Cards.


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