Did You Know You Can Save Money At Home Depot? 7 Guaranteed Ways That Always Work

February 13, 2022

Have you been looking for ways to save some bucks when out shopping? Well, who doesn’t!?

In fact, this need becomes direr if you are trying to pick a furniture piece or an item that will be a huge expense. In this case, even being able to save a couple of dollars seems like a lot. Therefore, in this article, we will give you all the tips on how you can save money at Home Depot. Let’s go!

Look Into Special Buy of the Day 

Besides offering amazing shopping perks, Home Depot has set a separate section labeled as “Special Buy of the Day”. You will find this on their official website and, if it is your lucky day, you might be able to bag a few items free of cost! However, you never know what you will find in this section so it is better to check in every day.

Try Your Luck With Price Match Guarantee 

Many of the customers are not aware that Home Depot challenges them to find the same item elsewhere at a lower price, and if they succeed, they will match the price and offer you the lesser one instead.

Although saving money through this method largely depends on how much you are willing to look around and research other retailers, it is worth the try! Make sure that when you reach Home Depot with the claim, you are able to produce a photo or copy of the competitor’s ad as proof.

Avail of Free Shipping, If Possible 

The perk of free shipping isn’t possible with all types of purchases. Nonetheless, you can enjoy free delivery when ordering stuff over $45. This applies to residential orders only. On the other hand, getting appliances over $396 will come with free shipping as well.

Home Depot Rebate Center 

The store hosts a rebate center and extensive rebate policy that you can benefit from. You can visit the section online and check out all the eligible products listed there. Through the 11% rebate portal you can get 11% rebate right away and this does not even require you to go through any hassle-filled process.

Coupons Available on Websites Offer Good Discounts 

HomeDepot.com often launches online coupons for its customers. You can access these on its Coupon page and see if you are able to avail the latest discount offers. This is a good deal for buyers who are often surfing the internet and have no trouble placing online orders and waiting for the delivery. In fact, this is, by far, one of the best ways to save money at Home Depot.

Home Depot Discount Through Credit Card Shopping 

Credit card purchases at Home Depot are another way to bag some attractive offers. However, you should be careful about how much you spend. After all, credit card money is the amount you owe to the bank and would have to return time if you wish to avoid hefty interest charges.

Moreover, certain credit cards come with unfriendly terms and may not be suitable for large purchases. If you have opted for a reward credit card, stick to the spending limit that you can easily pay off at the end of the month.

Do Visit The Clearance Section

The clearance section at home depot contains items that were not sold but the company needs to clear them to make room for the next batch. The stuff here is priced lower than the actual cost and, to your luck, the price keeps dropping the longer an item stays in the clearance section.

This means you might be able to find averagely-priced items at costs as cheap as $1 here. Remember, there is nothing wrong with the quality. The items are cheaper because Home Depot is really desperate to have them sold.

I hope this article is able to help you save some dollars next time. There are so many easy ways to save at Home Depot. Which one will you be trying out first?


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